Posts tagged with film
Raising funds to buy fribre trays
2016-01-22 19:25:00 UTCMy love for the darkroom and specifically fibre prints comes at an expense. Not too long ago I bought some 20”x24” fibre paper and then was told we don’t have trays that could accommodate printing. I want to continue my Portal series but much larger, and was planning on doing…
Experiments with the Pinhole Blender Mini
2016-01-15 18:48:00 UTCRichard bought me this lovely pinhole camera for my birthday, and I’ve been experimenting with it recently since then. It’s difficult to fully understand because it is basically a can with a hole in it, and an take up and supply knobs ( However it is a lot of fun!…
Goodbye 2014
2014-12-31 23:31:17 UTCEveryone seems to be doing a farewell to 2014, and I couldn’t be happier that this year is over. This past year has been incredibly hard on me, and I am glad to see it go. If you’re a close friend of mine you know what has been going on…